Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Olympus Stylus 1050 SW Reviews

I had my hands on the Olympus 1050SW as one of Christmas Presents.
Only used this camera twice, once during my friend's wedding and once when I was at Sentosa.

I like the feel of the camera. I like the black matt finishing and the stainless steel side give me a very well built solid impression of the camera. It is little heavier than most digital camera and it sinks. ( since it is made to be used in water it should have come with a floating strap so it doesn't sink)

As for the lens, it 6.7mm to 20.1mm f3.5 to F5.0, equivalent to 38mm to 114mm on a 35mm camera. That explains the slowness of taking a shot. Also I feel there is noise is quite pronounced at high ISO and that the flash is a little too harsh.

I will post pictures soon taken on different location and underwear.

Meanwhile this is the detailed review by Dpreview

Olympus 1050 SW Review


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Easy Project

Been wanting to try this out, so since I got time might as well just give it a try.

Multiple Exposure in one Frame with Photoshop

1) Set up Camera with Tripod
2) Take multiple shots and be sure that you positions does not cover the one before.
3) Combine them in Photoshop in Layers
4) Layer Mask one by one to expose your desire subject
5) Combine the layer and process the picture as you deem fit!

Composition and exposure of this shot is rather crap, but well its a 5min job =)


Friday, December 26, 2008

DIY Bokeh

I kinda got off track and tried a mini activity.

DIY BOKEH - The Link is Here

It is kinda of interesting but seems only for Lens which are about F1.8-F1.4 not sure about F4 but I would think that the bokeh would not be as pronounce as compared to large aperture.

How it works, I assume that light the is reflected from the main subject will be almost perpendicular to the sensor while the lights from back ground and all around will be entering the sensor like how a pin hole might.

Anyway here are my Pictures


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! =)

Well the portrait project got to wait.
Need to post and process Christmas Pictures first =)


Saturday, December 20, 2008

New Project

I am going to try portrait shots.
Black and White with shadows.

Will try some techniques and see how it works. Watch for it =)


Monday, December 8, 2008

Boys at Play

Boys at Work
