Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Olympus Stylus 1050 SW Reviews

I had my hands on the Olympus 1050SW as one of Christmas Presents.
Only used this camera twice, once during my friend's wedding and once when I was at Sentosa.

I like the feel of the camera. I like the black matt finishing and the stainless steel side give me a very well built solid impression of the camera. It is little heavier than most digital camera and it sinks. ( since it is made to be used in water it should have come with a floating strap so it doesn't sink)

As for the lens, it 6.7mm to 20.1mm f3.5 to F5.0, equivalent to 38mm to 114mm on a 35mm camera. That explains the slowness of taking a shot. Also I feel there is noise is quite pronounced at high ISO and that the flash is a little too harsh.

I will post pictures soon taken on different location and underwear.

Meanwhile this is the detailed review by Dpreview

Olympus 1050 SW Review


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