Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Henderson Bridge Revisted

Finished with post processing of my Henderson Bridge Project.

I headed down to henderson again but this time in the day with melvin and eric.

The sky was slight hazy and cloudy. Occasionally we do get some sun but it is only for a fleeting moment.

Another good reason to take 3 shots exposure and combine them using HDR method and of cos with some post processing. One reason I think 3shots exposure is good because it capture the full tonal range. You get the clear blue sky without overexposuring the background. As you can see above, the one on the left is taken with polariser, ISO100, Monopod, F5.2 using my 55-250mm, Auto White Balance and Auto Bracket. The one on the right taken with the same set up using Av mode with 3 set exposure and combined together using Photomatix.

These are some of my favourite pictures

The "Dragon Body"
The "Photographer"
Vintage revisted
B&W Waves

To infinity and Beyond
The photographer photographed


1 comment:

grj said...

Not often do you see the guy behind the camera. I like this one. It has an element of playfulness to it. :)