Sunday, July 13, 2008

Trying motion shots......

Had 2 sessions of tennis the last week. One was at night and the other was in the afternoon.
So it was a good opportunity to try motion capture photography.

Tried using long exposure to capture motion shots to depict movement in the courts.
However, I can't seem to get the effect that I wanted.

Firstly, long exposure results in ghostly images. The subjects playing tennis is almost invisible, I guess it is due the fact that lighting is low and the subject moves so fast that the amount of light that the camera capture is too little to result in a more pronounce image.

Secondly, using short exposure, it like a freeze shot. Anything in between does not give me a good effect. I will investigate it further. To the get effect I wanted, I might need to take a few shots and moderate exposure and combine them in photoshop. Only then, I think I think the picture will have a sense of movement around the tennis court. So the trick could be just photoshop.


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